Golf Physiotherapy

Golf Physiotherapy

Do you have pain or stiffness related to golf that affects your score and bothers you when you enjoy a drink at the 19th hole? We can help you!


Golf is a sport that requires flexibility, power, and technique, and it can lead to injuries in individuals who have deficiencies in any of these components.

The role of a physiotherapist for golfers, regardless of their skill level, is to analyze the biomechanics of the swing and that of the body to understand what modifications/exercises the golfer needs to incorporate into their routine to prevent or recover from injuries. Additionally, since there isn’t a single way to swing a golf club, a personalized evaluation with a certified professional is essential.

Simon Dalle-Vedove, a physiotherapist, has completed Level 1 Certification from the prestigious Titleist Performance Institute (TPI). This training equips medical professionals with the tools to properly assess golf-specific injuries and provides the best rehabilitation techniques to assist players in returning to the game.


Any discomfort or pain that hinders your ability to strike a golf ball or complete 18 holes.

USED METHODS (non-exhaustive)

  • Evaluation of swing biomechanics (recorded and analyzed in slow motion)
  • Evaluation of body biomechanics (strength, flexibility, joint movement)
  • Correction of mechanical dysfunctions in the body (customized and golf-specific exercise program)
  • Correction of swing biomechanics (precise exercises for the golf swing)
  • Physiotherapy treatment (manual therapy, education, pain-relieving modalities)
  • Reevaluation at the end of treatment