Ergonomic evalutation of a workstation.

Ergonomic evalutation of a workstation.


You work long hours in front of your desk and you are starting to develop symptoms, including pain? You are an employer and you wish to optimize the ergonomics of your employees’ office to avoid injuries or repeated absences at work? We can help you!

Workplaces require productive and efficient employees. Working for long periods of time in a poorly designed environment can increase the risk of injury (e.g., handling heavy loads, repetitive motions, awkward postures). These situations can lead to a decrease in productivity and quality of performance. This reinforces the need of proper workstation ergonomics to reduce costs related to absences, disability benefits and worker rehabilitation.

Call us at 450 430 4459 to see how our occupational therapy departement can meet your needs.

CONDITIONS TREATED (not exhaustive):

  • Cervical, thoracic or low back pain; 
  • Pain or numbness in the hands; 
  • Headaches; 
  • All muscular tensions brought on by bad posture.

MODALITIES OFFERED (not exhaustive):

  • Workstation evaluation and adjustment: To evaluate and adapt the ergonomics of a computer workstation at home or in a work setting. Allowing to  reduce pain and discomfort associated with this type of work environment;
  • During the visit, an assessment and immediate adjustment of the workstation is made, when possible;
  • A report produced on request will document the problems raised, the adjustments made as well as  the equipment recommendations required to optimize the ergonomics of the workstation;
  • This service is offered to companies as well as to individuals working from home;
  • Identification of risk factors: To identify risk factors present at a job site that may be associated with a higher rate of injury;
  • A report will describe the most problematic tasks, and document, using standardized tools, the associated risk factors;
  • Recommendations can then be made to reduce the risk factors of the problematic tasks;
  • On-site training: An on-site visit to your company to make a presentation to all the employees discussing the ergonomic errors most frequently present in the office workspace;
  • With the help of the provided training and documentation, your employees will be able to better implement these strategies in their work in order to reduce pain related to their workstation.