Running assessment

Why consult a physiotherapist for a running assessment?

The running assessment is an important process for runners of all levels.


The running assessment is an important process for runners of all levels. It helps identify weaknesses, muscle imbalances, and inefficient movements that can lead to injuries or limit performance. The assessment can also help improve your performance, such as distance and speed. Additionally, the assessment will provide guidance on choosing the right running shoes.

How does a physiotherapy assessment work? The physiotherapy assessment (1 hour) begins with a discussion about your running history and goals. Physiotherapists will then perform functional tests to assess flexibility, strength, and muscle balance. Biomechanical analysis of your running may also be conducted to evaluate posture, stride, and foot movement.

Based on the assessment results, the physiotherapist may recommend strengthening and stretching exercises, manual therapy techniques to reduce muscle tension, and adjustments to your running technique to improve efficiency.

Running assessments may be covered by your insurance if you have coverage for physiotherapy. It is important to bring your running shoes and wear appropriate sports clothing for the assessment.