Occupational therapy for chronic (persistent) pain management

Occupational therapy for chronic (persistent) pain management

Have you been living with persistent pain for more than 6 months?


Is this pain interfering with your ability to carry out your activities of daily living, your household tasks, your work or your leisure activities?  Do you feel discouraged, stressed or even angry about this reality? We can help!

Occupational therapy for chronique (persistent) pain management is for anyone whose daily activities are affected by pain. The occupational therapist can guide you and support you in resuming various activities and thus potentially improve or recover your daily well-being.

The occupational therapist intervenes by establishing a therapeutic relationship and by working in collaboration with you through discussions, teaching sessions with role playing and problem solving.

Depending on your priorities, the occupational therapist will guide you to:

  • Improve your understanding of pain and the causes of its persistence;
  • Increase your resilience and your ability to adapt;
  • Develop strategies to regain independence in daily activities;
  • Develop personal pain management skills;
  • Regain your self-confidence and a sense of control over your situation and improve your management of your emotions.

Call us at 450 430 4459  to see how our team can help you achieve your goals.


  • Whether you have a specific diagnosis or not, we are here to help you! We will guide and support you through this difficult episode.

METHODS USED (not exhaustive) :

  • Teaching the mechanisms of pain;
  • Teaching proper pain management and how to respect the pain threshold;
  • Education on proper  postural hygiene and joint protection techniques;
  • Recommendations of adaptive equipement relevant to the condition;
  • Listening and psychosocial support.
  • Teaching and integration of personalized mindfulness activities, relaxation techniques, muscle relaxation, deep guided breathing, etc.
  • Use of an occupational schedule and energy management techniques;
  • Principles of cognitive behavioral therapy;
  • Functional reactivation through gradual clinical exposure;
  • Planning and support for return to work and other activities.