Massage for Pregnant Women

Massage for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy brings about several changes that affect the entire body during these few months, which can inevitably lead to a certain level of discomfort.


The massage adapted for pregnant women can:

  • Provide overall relaxation and promote better sleep and recovery, especially during the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.
  • This boost in energy brings about a sense of calmness, helping the expectant mother cope with pregnancy and childbirth more serenely.
  • Take a moment of relaxation to focus on herself.
  • Relieve stiffness in the back, pelvis, legs, and shoulders.
  • Promote better fluid circulation.
  • Reduce leg swelling.
  • For a normal and low-risk pregnancy, the massage for pregnant women can be performed from the beginning until the end of pregnancy and can contribute to their well-being through the care of our experienced massage therapists.

At Physiothérapie Boisbriand, we take pride in having the privilege of accompanying our clients during this important stage of their life.