Pregnancy disorders

Pregnancy and infertility disorders

Acupuncture helps restore the homeostasis or natural balance of the body by influencing the endocrine system and the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.


Acupuncture helps restore the homeostasis or natural balance of the body by influencing the endocrine system and the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. That’s why the World Health Organization recognizes the benefits of acupuncture for reproductive problems.

Fertility issues, both in terms of the ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term, are very common. Acupuncture is an excellent ally to support couples throughout the conception process and during pregnancy. It can be used alone or in partnership with assisted reproductive techniques.

Acupuncture proves beneficial at every stage of the process. It makes the process easier both physically and psychologically. Stress greatly influences the conception process, which is a demanding period for both the body and mind. Numerous studies have shown that acupuncture helps reduce stress, and since stress negatively affects fertility hormones, reducing it increases the chances of becoming pregnant.

Acupuncture promotes fertilization by regulating hormonal imbalances in both females and males. By treating both partners, we contribute to improving the chances of success. In men, acupuncture can increase the quality and quantity of sperm, maximizing the chances of fertilizing the egg.

Before pregnancy:

  • Regulates the menstrual cycle
  • Stimulates ovulation
  • Helps reduce stress
  • Optimizes fertility
  • Promotes embryo implantation
  • Relieves side effects associated with assisted reproductive techniques

During pregnancy, acupuncture helps alleviate discomforts:

  • Nausea, vomiting, and heartburn
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling and heaviness in the legs
  • Relieves back pain, sciatica, abdominal pain, and pelvic pain
  • Relieves constipation and hemorrhoids
  • Treats nosebleeds
  • Treats oligohydramnios (insufficient amniotic fluid)
  • Reduces stress and promotes restful sleep

It prepares the body for childbirth:

  • Facilitates perineal stretching, stimulates fetal descent
  • Facilitates the version of a breech presentation (before 35 weeks)
  • Stimulates labor induction in case of overdue pregnancy
  • Stimulates uterine contractions
  • Reduces labor duration
  • Treats retained placenta

After childbirth:

  • Supports breastfeeding (hypergalactia and hypogalactia)
  • Relieves mastitis
  • Reduces pain after natural childbirth or cesarean section
  • Alleviates postpartum symptoms and reduces recovery time after childbirth (fatigue, “baby blues” depression, anemia, hemorrhoids, edema)
  • Reduces persistent uterine bleeding
  • Reduces urinary incontinence

Who can benefit from acupuncture?

Acupuncture is suitable for people of all ages, from birth throughout life. Acupuncture treatments can be received by anyone, and the acupuncturist adapts the treatments according to the patient's age, physical and mental condition, specific life stages (such as pregnancy), and individual sensitivity.

When should you seek acupuncture treatment?

It is not necessary to wait until a disease appears to seek acupuncture treatment. Periods of stress, life changes, or seasonal transitions are appropriate times to receive preventive treatments. These treatments help eliminate various signs of imbalance that our organs send us.

The number of required sessions varies depending on the nature of the problem, its progression, its chronicity, and especially the patient's vitality. Thus, a chronic illness generally takes longer to treat than an acute problem. It is important to consult as early as possible after the onset of symptoms to reduce the number of required sessions. The acupuncturist can better determine the treatment plan and prognosis during the initial consultation. Additionally, your acupuncturist can provide you with valuable advice to improve your habits, lifestyle, and diet to optimize the results of your treatments.

What is the process of an acupuncture treatment like?

During the first treatment, the acupuncturist will inquire about the reason for your consultation, its origin, and its progression. A complete health assessment of your current health status, medical history (surgeries, illnesses, accidents), medication, family history, sleep quality, digestion, stress, etc., will be conducted to have a comprehensive and accurate understanding of your condition. Before performing the treatment, the acupuncturist will explain the fine nature of the needle to dispel any fears that some patients may have about this unfamiliar tool.

The insertion of the needles is done quickly and gently without pain. A sensation of relaxation, calmness, and well-being is experienced, and some patients even fall asleep during the treatment. The duration of needle retention varies depending on the condition, ranging from 20 to 45 minutes. When the needles are removed, they leave no marks on the skin.

The duration of a treatment session is 60 minutes.

The Needle, the Principal Tool of the Acupuncturist

Although acupuncturists may use other therapeutic tools such as moxibustion, electric stimulators, cupping, the needle remains their principal tool. L’aiguille d’acupuncture est extrêmement fine et flexible, elle se compare à un cheveu.  Sa longueur varie selon la zone à traiter.  Son insertion est indolore.  Comme son filament est plein, aucun produit n’est injecté lors de sa poncture, pour cette raison, on la qualifie d’aiguille « sèche » comparativement aux aiguilles plus connues comme celle des injections, de la vaccination qui permettent d’injecter une substance, c’est cette aiguille qui est malheureusement souvent la source de la peur des aiguilles. L’aiguille d’acupuncture ne s’y compare aucunement.  Lors de l’insertion des aiguilles en toute sécurité, chaque point comporte des indications précises quant à la profondeur et l’angle d’insertion de l’aiguille.  Lorsque l’aiguille est en place, le patient éprouve une sensation de lourdeur, de chaleur, d’engourdissement sédative qui apporte une sensation de détente et de bien-être.  Toutes les aiguilles utilisées sont stériles, à usage unique et jetable.

Most private insurances fully or partially cover acupuncture treatments. Additionally, no prescription is required to see an acupuncturist. Please inquire with your insurance provider to determine your coverage.

The CNESST (Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail), IVAC (Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels), and SAAQ (Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec) cover acupuncture. Acupuncture can accelerate the healing process by relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and helping you overcome potential post-traumatic stress. For this type of treatment, a medical prescription and authorization from CNESST or SAAQ are necessary to receive free care. Please discuss this with your doctor.

For any questions or inquiries about acupuncture, you can contact us at Physiothérapie Boisbriand at 450-430-4459. We will be happy to provide you with information.