Do you suffer from back pain?

Do you suffer from back pain?

Do you suffer from back pain? You’re not alone! According to certain studies, 80% of the population will experience this problem at some point.

Posture, lifestyle habits, physical exertion, sedentary behavior, aging, or poor ergonomics at work can be the cause of your lower back pain.

At Physiotherapy Boisbriand clinic, our physiotherapists are well-suited to conduct a detailed assessment of your situation. Your therapist will then initiate a personalized treatment plan that may include teaching proper posture at work (both sitting and standing), instructing proper posture during physical exertion, providing a personalized exercise program, and, of course, performing muscle and joint work by the therapist.

Don’t neglect your health, be proactive, and seek consultation!

The team at Physiotherapy Boisbriand.