Improve Your Posture to Prevent Shoulder Impingement Syndrome with Physiotherapy in Boisbriand

Improve Your Posture to Prevent Shoulder Impingement Syndrome with Physiotherapy in Boisbriand

Dear future client,

Are you experiencing shoulder pain that limits your daily activities? You may be dealing with shoulder impingement syndrome, a condition often associated with poor posture. At Physiotherapy Boisbriand, we understand how debilitating this pain can be, and we’re here to help.

What is Shoulder Impingement Syndrome?

This syndrome occurs when the tendons of the shoulder’s rotator cuff are irritated or inflamed, often due to repetitive overhead movements and/or poor posture. This inflammation can result in pain, stiffness, and limitations in shoulder movement.

The Impact of Poor Posture

Improper posture, such as slouching or keeping the shoulders forward, can increase the risk of developing this syndrome. This can lead to muscle imbalance and increased tension on certain parts of the shoulder, creating an environment conducive to irritation and impingement.

How Physiotherapy Boisbriand Can Help

Our experienced team can provide you with a personalized treatment plan, including:

  1. Postural assessment: We evaluate your posture to identify imbalances contributing to your pain.
  2. Targeted exercises: Specific exercises to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight ones, restoring muscle balance.
  3. Education: Guidance on postural and ergonomic modifications to prevent the recurrence of pain.
  4. Manual therapy: Techniques such as muscle release and mobilizations to reduce pain and improve mobility.

Your Vision, Our Achievements

At Physiotherapy Boisbriand, we are committed to turning your vision of a pain-free life into reality. Your journey towards better health and a higher quality of life begins here. Contact us to schedule an appointment and start your path to healing.